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Holiday Smoked Sous Vide Prime Rib

One of my favorite Holiday meals to cook for my friends and family is Prime Rib. We were lucky that our local market accepted an expired rain check from last Christmas, so we got a nine pound Prime Rib for a great price!

Don't be intimidated and think you couldn't cook this. It is very easy if you have a pellet smoker and a sous vide machine. Sous vide cooking it guarantees you will never overcook that expensive piece of meat. Let me show you how, but first enjoy a song from Ava Grace.


Prime Rib

Fresh Rosemary & Thyme

Kosher Salt

Ground Black Pepper

3-4 Tablespoons of Butter

Season all sides of the Prime Rib with Salt & Pepper. Place in your pellet smoker and set the temperature to the smoke setting, or as low as possible, usually around 170-180 degrees. Smoke for 2 hours or so, until you see a change it color the Prime Rib. Remove and allow to cool.

Vacuum seal the Prime Rib in a bag with some Fresh Rosemary and Thyme, as well as a few slabs of Butter. Place in your fridge for a few hours, or better yet overnight, as some smoke flavor will absorb into the meat.

Heat your Sous vide bath to 136 degrees. Once it reaches temperature place the Prime Rib into the bath and cook for 6-12 hours. The longer the cook the more tender the meat, so pick a time that fits your schedule and don't stress on it.

When ready remove from bath and dry off completely on all sides with paper towels. You need to make sure the meat is as dry as possible, as this helps the meat to get a great sear.

Sear the meat any number of ways. You can use your broiler in your oven, or over a hot gas or charcoal grill. Or using a Grill Gun like I did. Sear for a minute or so on each side, until the color looks good. Slice and enjoy!

To watch me prepare this recipe step by step simply watch my video below.


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